My favorite saying...If WE do nothing, nothing will ever get done. I welcome those who wish to lend a hand, or a few words on a grant application. :) Have a beautiful day!
From Graffiti Hurts dot org:
"Any of the following groups are eligible to apply for a Graffiti Hurts® grant:
Nonprofit, Civic, and Community Organizations
Includes neighborhood groups (e.g., Neighborhood Watch), crime prevention associations, civic clubs or organizations, and other nonprofit groups.
Youth Groups/Schools
Includes any group of youth such as Girl/Boy Scouts, 4-H, Girls/Boys Clubs, YW/YMCAs, and students in a class, grade or school club.
Government Agencies
Includes city, county, state and federal government agencies, or subdivisions within these agencies (e.g., department of public works), and police departments or other law enforcement."