Monday, January 25, 2010

Money on Monday! Eco-Friendly Green Heroes - $60,000

I'd love to hear stories of how others are making earth a greener place to live. We can all work together to sustain our natural resources. Eco-friendly and living greener is fun and easy! Help me stamp out hunger by saving the world one litte lemon at a time. It all begins with the power of one - YOU.

One person. One Tree. One little lemon at a time.

The makers of Green Works™ natural cleaners have designed a fun way for you to get involved. Gather a few friends. Create a community project. Save the lemons and save the world too.

If you need help starting me! Hunger never ends, and the oranges and lemons are falling, rotting from the trees as we speak. Help is needed. $60,000 is up for grabs!

CLICK HERE to learn more about "Green Heroes Grant Program."

Nominations deadline is February 18, 2010.

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